
What Color Should Your Business Casual Socks Be?

What Color Should Your Business Casual Socks Be?

There is a lot of room for personal freedoms when it comes to what you wear on your feet and when you wear it. However, when it comes down to matching your business casual socks with a more formal type of shoe, such as a dress shoe, there are a few cardinal rules that are usually best to make sure you follow. One of the most important cardinal business casual sock rules that needs to always be followed is: Just say no to white gym socks. These are never a good call outside of the confines of your sweaty gym sessions. Another cardinal rule that tends to be followed more often than not is: Coordinate your colors – your business casual socks should be synched up with the color pallet of your pants. However, there is a third – and maybe more important – rule: Have some fun with it all! What color should your business socks 

Pairing With Black Dress Shoes

When you are wearing some black dress shoes, there is a better than likely chance that you are going to be wearing black or dark gray pants. If this is the case, gunmetal gray business casual socks add a little bit of contrast while keeping the classic look together. If the situation is a little less formal than a wedding, funeral, or formal office setting, you could always go for something with a stripe, block or dotted pattern to add some flair. 

Wearing Gray Dress Shoes

When wearing gray shoes, you may not be wearing gray pants as they are the perfect way to contrast blue, gray or taupe pants. However, if you are wearing gray pants with your gray dress shoes it does not hurt the look to add a splash of color with your socks. A yellow or coral is the perfect splash of brightness and joy for a celebratory gathering or event. However,  tan or black business socks are the best option for a professional or formal gathering. 

If you are wearing gray shoes with blue pants, then solid, dark jewel-toned business casual socks are a good look. Forest green, navy blue, and even burgundy can work fantastically. 

When Wearing Brown Dress Shoes

There are plenty of pant color combinations that work wonderfully with brown dress shoes (just not black pants, please!) So, when it comes to what color of business casual socks you should wear with these shoes, relate back to your pants choice: Socks that reflect the color of the pants always look good here.

Matching Business Casual Socks With Sneakers

The idea that you can’t wear sneakers in a formal setting is long gone. Now you are left with the option to add a little brevity to a formal situation by having some cool and comfortable sneakers on your feet, but what kind of business casual sock goes with these shoes? 

While you may be tempted to reach for a pair of your everyday casual socks, you should instead go for a business casual sock with a bold color or a strong pattern that you can coordinate with an accessory in either your attire, or your date’s. Bright, flamboyant colors, or even socks with logos can be the perfect addition to this laidback business casual look and can help add a little bit more of your own personality into this twist on the traditional world of business casual clothing and attire. Contact us today if you need help upping your sock game!

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